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Simple script to ban an IP address

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Categories: PHP
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Below you can find a simple php script that blocks ip addresses. It uses a function (called iplong) that converts the standard IPv4 address to a long int value and the main function (ban) that checks if a provided ip can be found in a list of blocked addresses. Hope you will find this useful.

function ban($range = array(), $ip = '')
        $ip = longip(trim($ip));
        if($ip == FALSE)
                return FALSE;
                return FALSE;
        foreach($range AS $key => $val)
                $temp = explode('-', $val);
                        return FALSE;
                        $start_ip = longip(trim($temp[0]));
                        if($start_ip == FALSE)
                                return FALSE;
                        if($ip == $start_ip)
                                return TRUE;
                        $stop_ip = longip(trim($temp[1]));
                        if($stop_ip == FALSE)
                                return FALSE;
                if($start_ip <= $ip && $ip <= $stop_ip)
                        return TRUE;
        return FALSE;
function longip($ip)
                return FALSE;
        $block = explode('.', $ip);
        if(count($block) != 4)
                return FALSE;
        $i = 3;
        $block_ip = 0;
        foreach($block as $k => $v)
                $v = filter_var($v, FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
                if($v < 0)
                        $v = 0;
                if($v > 255)
                        $v = 255;
                $block_ip += pow(256, $i)*$v;
        return $block_ip;

$block_range = array(   ' -',
                        ' -',

$ip = '';

if(ban($block_range, ''))
        echo "BAN\n";
        echo "UNBAN\n";

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